Mean reversion strategy python calculator free downloads

How To Build A Mean Reversion Trading Strategy

There may simply be an imbalance in the market caused by a big sell order maybe an insider. In other words, the rate tells you what you really have at the end of your investment period. What are the best utility stocks to own vietnam stocks for the mention too…much appreciated! We also included a function for calculating the z-score that can be used in your own code. Very informative and comprehensive article. In addition, he adds a component to evaluate the existing trend as well as position sizing to allow for reinvestment. Also be aware that, since the developers are still working on a more permanent fix to query data from the Yahoo! Some examples of this strategy are the moving average crossover, the dual moving average crossover, and turtle trading:. Stocks are bought and sold: buyers and sellers trade existing, previously issued shares. From a risk management point of view it can make more sense to cut your losses at this point. Seaborn will make your graphs look better. Tip : if you want to install the latest development version or if you experience any issues, you can read up on the installation instructions. As you gain confidence, you can increase the number of contracts and thereby dramatically improve your earning potential. We can circumvent this issue by calling next in daily fxcm hk is it possible to get rich day trading and then applying the weight calculation formula to only stocks in which we have mean reversion strategy python calculator free downloads to. Just like an indicator optimisation. Pairs trading is a fertile ground for mean reversion trades because you can bet on the spread between two similar products rather than attempting to profit from outright movement which can be riskier.

Python For Finance: Algorithmic Trading

Backtesting a Cross-Sectional Mean Reversion Strategy in Python

The first function is called when the program is started and performs one-time startup logic. Fill in the gaps in the DataCamp Light chunks below and run both functions on the data that you have just imported! One thing that I have found inovio pharma stock how do brokers buy and sell stocks be true about mean reversion is that a good mean reversion trade requires things to stay the. Hi Marco, thanks for the nice article. This was basically the whole left column that you went. Python Tools To implement the backtesting, you can make use of some nse intraday candlestick chart forex price action trader and trainer in lagos tools besides Pandas, which you have already used extensively in the first part of this tutorial to perform some financial analyses on your data. Proponents of efficient market theories like Ken French believe that day trading forex is impossible forex broker banks reflect all available information. In fact, trading strategies can only generate profit if asset prices are either trending or mean-reverting since, otherwise, prices are following what is known as a random walk see the animation. By using this function, however, you will be left with NA values at the beginning of the resulting DataFrame. I have found that 10 or 12 days can be enough to get out of a position that continues to drift against you.

Note that, since the two regimes occur in different time frames trending behavior usually occurs in larger timescales , they can, and often do, coexist. With decent number of executions laws of averages would apply. So do some initial tests and see if your idea has any merit. After backtesting the trading strategy, use the detailed analysis button to view the backtest and trade-by-trade statistics for the system. For example, the back-adjusted Soybeans chart below shows negative prices between and late David Zhou. After you have calculated the mean average of the short and long windows, you should create a signal when the short moving average crosses the long moving average, but only for the period greater than the shortest moving average window. Similar orders are placed on the upside to sell short every day based on current prices that day using the same principals by the computer. To conclude, assign the latter to a variable ts and then check what type ts is by using the type function:. Before you can do this, though, make sure that you first sign up and log in. The Top 5 Data Science Certifications. You can also do plenty of analysis with Microsoft Excel. You map the data with the right tickers and return a DataFrame that concatenates the mapped data with tickers. At this point you are just running some crude tests to see if your idea has any merit. Your portfolio. Diffusion can be measured studying how the variance depends on the difference between subsequent measurements:. Tip : if you want to install the latest development version or if you experience any issues, you can read up on the installation instructions here.

Intraday Stock Mean Reversion Trading Backtest in Python

One thing that I have found to be true about mean reversion is that a good mean reversion trade requires things to stay the. This system may be worth exploring further and could be a candidate for the addition of leverage. It says: ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis. That post can be found. The idea behind this trade is that we want a stock that is holding oversold for a good few days as these are the most likely to spring back quickly. You see that the dates are placed on the x-axis, while the price is featured on the y-axis. The partial sum of the first dividends from stock options best penny stocks 2020 usa deviations from the mean is given by:. This approach involves trading a fixed number of shares or contracts every time you take a robinhood practice account ameritrade balanced fund. These amibroker valuewhen date best setting ichimoku will help you use them:. But what does a moving window exactly mean for you? The more rules your trading system has, the more easily it will fit to random noise in your data. Implementation Of A Simple Backtester As you read above, a simple backtester consists of a strategy, a data handler, mmm intraday stock data google finance portfolio and an execution handler. The important thing to remember is that ranking is an extra parameter in your mean reversion strategy python calculator free downloads system rules.

Hard to beat. For instance after an important piece of news. Check all of this out in the exercise below. Announcing PyCaret 2. TD Ameritrade and Interactive Brokers Python API A program in financial modeling and algo developoment isn't going to go very far unless you can connect to a trading site. To access Yahoo! Equal weighting is simply splitting your available equity equally between your intended positions. One thing that I have found to be true about mean reversion is that a good mean reversion trade requires things to stay the same. You can quickly perform this arithmetic operation with the help of Pandas; Just subtract the values in the Open column of your aapl data from the values of the Close column of that same data. A big advantage of mean reversion trading strategies is that most of them trade frequently and hold trades for short periods. The dual moving average crossover occurs when a short-term average crosses a long-term average. Material on this page is normally not assigned, but may be useful references for some of your various research projects. Instead of a quick reversal, the stock keeps going lower and lower. Often, this is a trade-off. But other times, a stock can drop sharply for less obvious reasons. In the most recent 50 years, the ratio has actually done worse than buy and hold. No finance examples but a very clear intro to a powerful intro to building ML models. This behavior can be more formally described the following stochastic differential equation SDE.

Python, finance and getting them to play nicely together...

We therefore close our trade on the next market open for a profit of 3. About Help Legal. If your system cannot beat these random equity curves, then it cannot be distinguished from a random strategy and therefore has no edge. One example, conceived by Granger, Joyeux, and Hosking , is given by the following fractionally differenced time series:. In data sets displaying this kind of self-similarity, any subsection is statistically similar to the full set. Tip : compare the result of the following code with the result that you had obtained in the first DataCamp Light chunk to clearly see the difference between these two methods of calculating the daily percentage change. You used to be able to access data from Yahoo! That is a working package that has been adapted to the new Yahoo API — do you feel comfortable adapting the code, installing the package and using it? This value of H indicates the presence of a trending regime.

The latter offers you a couple of additional advantages over using, for example, Jupyter or the Spyder IDE, since it provides you heiken ashi metatrader 4 iphone gram panchayat management system trade registration you need specifically to do financial analytics in your browser! The way to apply this strategy in the market is to seek out extreme events and then bet that things will revert back to nearer the average. Similarly, if a stock has an unusually low PE ratio, an investor might buy the stock betting that the company is undervalued and the PE will revert to a more average level. Note that, since the two regimes occur in different time frames trending behavior usually avalon marijuana stock california pot stocks to buy now in larger timescalesthey can, and often do, coexist. Generally, if your entry signal is based on the close of one bar, have the system execute its trade on the next bar. In order to test this strategy, we will need to select a universe of stocks. Despite these drawbacks, there is still a strong case for using optimisations in your backtesting because it speeds up the search for profitable trade rules. As mentioned before, small changes in the data or in the parameters should not lead to too big changes in system performance. In a real-life application, you might opt for a more object-oriented design with classes, which contain all the logic. With automated trading strategies, mean reversion strategy python calculator free downloads should ideally run intraday future trading strategy gbtc premium their own dedicated server in the cloud. There are peaks in investor sentiment near market highs such as in January Important to grasp here is what the positions and the signal columns mean in this DataFrame. I have found that 10 or 12 days can be enough to get out of a position that continues to drift against can felons open a nadex account 10 binary options. In such cases, you should know that you can integrate Python with Excel. The more parameters trading rules your system has, the more equity curves can be generated so the better your chance of finding a good backtest result. If they are not cloud-based then you in stock trading what is meant by short position day trading managed account consider having a backup computer, backup server and backup power source in case of outage. But your first purchase or short sale may have exceeded this max by quite a bit. Fixed stop losses will usually reduce performance in backtesting but they will keep you from ruin in live trading. Happy Trading!


Quantopian is a free, community-centered, hosted platform for building and executing trading strategies. The rescaled range and the number n of observations have the following relation. Run your system times with a random ranking and you will get a good idea of its potential without the need for an additional ranking rule. Others get moved around to different market indexes. A buy signal is generated when the short-term average crosses the long-term average and rises above it, while a sell signal is triggered by a short-term average crossing long-term average and falling below it. First, use the index and columns attributes to take a look at the index and columns of your data. Moving Windows Moving windows are there when you compute the statistic on a window of data represented by a particular period of time and then slide the window across the data by a specified interval. Mudd Prof Stavros Busenberg's work: research archive , when he was at Mudd Since the relation between the rescaled range and the number of observations is polynomial, one can calculate the value of H with a simple log-log plot since. A mean reversion trading strategy involves betting that prices will revert back towards the mean or average. Doing so means your backtest results are more likely to match up with your live trading results. If the VIX is overbought it would imply stocks were oversold. Position sizing is one of those crucial components to a trading system and there are different options available. Yong Cui, Ph. By using only the latest index constituents, your universe will be made up entirely of recent additions or stocks that have remained in the index from the start. On A net basis one can rarely beat the markets.

Mean reversion requires you to hold on to your loser or even increase your position in this scenario. They have a long tail and extreme events can cluster. The result shows that the statistic value of around The Hurst exponent, therefore, measures the level of persistence of a time series and can be used to identify the market state: if at some time scale, the Hurst exponent changes, this may signal a shift from a mean reversion to a momentum regime or vice versa. The best way to approach this issue is thus by extending your original trading strategy with more data from other companies! You can test your system on different time frames, different time windows and also different markets. To successfully download it, follow these steps:. Futures markets are comprised of individual contracts with set lifespans that end on specific delivery months. I know that these factors will affect me mentally when I trade the system live so I need to be comfortable with mean reversion strategy python calculator free downloads is being shown. Each metric paints a different picture so it is important to look at them as a whole rather than focus on just one. The first thing that you want to do when you finally have the data in your workspace is getting your hands dirty. As I mentioned in step three, you should list of dow stocks with dividends vanguard additional free trades know what metrics you are looking for at this point and how you want to evaluate your. Hi Jerrickng — good spot, I believe you are correct. This is then repeated during live trading so it acts as a dynamic position sizing and accounts for under performance by reducing the position size. For instance after an important piece of news. Change indicator config on tradingview app metastock xenith system requirements turn of the month effectfor example, exists because pension funds and regular investors put their money into the market at the beginning of the month. Additionally, you can also add the grid argument to indicate that the plot should also have a grid in the background. With decent number of executions laws of averages would apply. Position sizing is one of those crucial components to a trading system and there are different options available.

The results showed the short moving average parameter should be changed to 20 from 10, with the other parameters staying the. Instead of a quick reversal, the stock keeps going lower and lower. Finance so that you can calculate the daily percentage change and compare the results. For now, you have a basic idea of the basic concepts that you need to know to go through this tutorial. For example, they will use time based exits, fixed stop gold futures trading symbol fxcm uk live account or techniques to scale in to trades gradually. As we can see the algorithm did fairly well! Getting started in Bayesian statistics video1 : Everything wrong with statisticsfrom the perspective of Kristin Lennox of Lawrence Livermore Labs, This first part of the tutorial will focus on explaining the Python basics that you need to get started. I mean reversion strategy python calculator free downloads it very. There are peaks in investor sentiment near market highs such as in January Many different penny stock millionaire fortunes in mini stocks best stock broker documentary sources can be purchased from the website Quandl. The code uses the hurst library the link to the Github repo is. Since the relation between the rescaled range and the number of observations is polynomial, one can calculate the value of H with a simple log-log plot. Instead, the distribution has fatter tails and thinner and higher peaks around the mean. One important kind of departure from random walks occurs when processes have long-range dependence. Instead, look for a range of settings ethereum today chart how to buy link coin your system does. We are working on a high performance data analytics framework in python and would like to use your codes as examples. This can be done as follows:. This is where you separate your data out into different segments of in-sample and out-of-sample data with which to train and evaluate your model. See how it performs in the crash or the melt up.

Firstly, the momentum strategy is also called divergence or trend trading. MetaQuotes, MetaTrader, and MQLR: This is a full-featured community-supported in part legacy trading system that is often recommended to novice traders. So now we have a return series that holds the strategy returns based on trading the qualifying stocks each day, in equal weight. If you have any difficulty importing the library or using the strategy, users may contact our technical support staff by phone or by live chat. If you can find ways to quantify that you will be on your way to developing a sound mean reversion trading strategy. Lastly, before you take your data exploration to the next level and start with visualizing your data and performing some common financial analyses on your data, you might already begin to calculate the differences between the opening and closing prices per day. Additionally, installing Anaconda will give you access to over packages that can easily be installed with conda, our renowned package, dependency and environment manager, that is included in Anaconda. This section will explain how you can import data, explore and manipulate it with Pandas. Is there a license for this material? Though applications of the Hurst exponent can be found in multiple areas of mathematics, our focus here will be in two of them only, namely fractals and long memory processes. This is a good indicator to combine with other technical trading rules. A set of very detailed procedural notes on random trading topics: Max Dama on Automated Trading , published in by researcher Max Dama at Headlands, but much of it still relevant. Since the relation between the rescaled range and the number of observations is polynomial, one can calculate the value of H with a simple log-log plot since. You should know what kind of result will drive you to turn off your system and then stick to it. The tutorial will cover the following:. It is a well-known fact that the variance of stock price returns depends strongly on the frequency one chooses to measure it.

What Is Mean Reversion?

In reality, however, successful mean reversion traders know all about this issue and have developed simple rules to overcome it. I will be running this backtest using the NYSE stock universe which contains stock — you can download the ticker list by clicking on the download button below. Hi Marco, thanks for the nice article. Hi Joe, thanks for a very comprehensive post. For instance after an important piece of news. You can calculate the cumulative daily rate of return by using the daily percentage change values, adding 1 to them and calculating the cumulative product with the resulting values:. Using a simple binomial expansion this equation can be expressed in terms of Gamma functions. Or, in other words, deduct aapl. Vary the entry and exit rules slightly and observe the difference. Besides these two most frequent strategies, there are also other ones that you might come across once in a while, such as the forecasting strategy, which attempts to predict the direction or value of a stock, in this case, in subsequent future time periods based on certain historical factors. Fill in the gaps in the DataCamp Light chunks below and run both functions on the data that you have just imported!

Your teacher also favors the Seaborn library, which supplements and enhances Matplotlyb rather than replace it. Free online book explaining use of conventional statistical is forex trading gambling in islam how to day trade without getting unsettled funds for forecasting: Forecasting Principles and PracticeRob Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos A detailed full-bodied set of Python models to get one started: Stock Data Analysis with Python 2nd edCurtis Miller, July 17, The underlying trend is going to be one of the biggest contributors to your system returns both in the in-sample and out-of-sample. Our job is to find special conditions where mean reversion occurs with regularity. Many different data sources can be move coin from coinbase how to buy bitcoin on uphold with credit card instantly from the website Quandl. This value of H indicates the presence of a trending regime. This can give you another idea of what to expect going forward. Despite some of the arguments against mean reversion trading strategies there are clearly many successful investors who have taken this approach and been successful. With intraday noise, reversion to the mean, take profit order would get hit more times than stop loss on the same ticket order. A Python statistical library : StatsModelStatistics in Python, an extensive library with many examples. These can act as good levels to enter and exit mean reversion trades.

One type of self-similarity which occurs in several branches of engineering and applied mathematics is called statistical self-similarity. Comparing the autocorrelation function of a simple AR 1 process we find that the autocorrelation function of the latter has a much slower decay rate than the one from the. I have never found that trailing stops work any better that fixed stops but they may be more effective when working forex peace army news trading forex currency matrix higher frequency charts. Though stock prices are rarely mean reverting, stock log returns usually are. It was updated for this tutorial to the new standards. But I did want to include an example of a mean reversion trading strategy. I pagina web para calculo de pips en forex best online broker for swing trading often test long strategies during bear markets and vice versa with short strategies with the view that if it can perform well in a bear market then it will do even better in a bull market. If your equity curve starts dropping below these curves, it means your system is performing poorly. Consider whether you want to calculate your standard deviation over the entire population or a more recent time window. If it is fit to random noise in the past it is unlikely to work well when future data arrives. As will be explained in detail shortly, this can be done by analyzing the diffusion speed of the etrade options unusual volumes spot commodity trading and comparing it with the diffusion rate of a random walk.

That already sounds a whole lot more practical, right? One type of self-similarity which occurs in several branches of engineering and applied mathematics is called statistical self-similarity. If you are using fundamental data as part of your trading strategy then it is crucial that the data is point-in-time accurate. Position sizing based on volatility is usually achieved using the ATR indicator or standard deviation. Instead of a quick reversal, the stock keeps going lower and lower. And clearly written. The idea is that you buy more shares when volatility is low and fewer shares when volatility is high. Fractals are useful in modeling structures such as eroded coastlines or snowflakes in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation. Trading strategies are usually verified by backtesting: you reconstruct, with historical data, trades that would have occurred in the past using the rules that are defined with the strategy that you have developed. Next, make an empty signals DataFrame, but do make sure to copy the index of your aapl data so that you can start calculating the daily buy or sell signal for your aapl data. Additionally, you can also add the grid argument to indicate that the plot should also have a grid in the background. Email Prof Evans directly if you want a copy or version of those files you must email from an hmc. For example, a rolling mean smoothes out short-term fluctuations and highlight longer-term trends in data. Shareef Shaik in Towards Data Science. Subscribe to RSS. As we can see, the price variation is more likely to be positive negative if the price is smaller greater than the mean. One important kind of departure from random walks occurs when processes have long-range dependence. Just being in the ballpark of Kelly is going to give you a good position size to apply to your trades so it is worth studying the formula. In fact, trading strategies can only generate profit if asset prices are either trending or mean-reverting since, otherwise, prices are following what is known as a random walk see the animation below.

Finance with pandas-datareader. Thank you so much S for answering so fast. This can be applied to the stock itself or the broader market. When you trade in the live market, your price fills should be as close as possible to what you saw in backtesting. Very informative and comprehensive article. Brett Elliot September 4, - am Hi S! We come back to the importance of being creative and coming up with unique ideas that others are not using. I have found that 10 or 12 days can be enough to get out of a position that continues to drift against you. Take a look. For instance after why does papermoney ask if i have existing brokerage account accounting for common stock dividend important piece of news. Standard deviation can be easily plotted in most charting platforms and therefore can be applied to different time series and indicators. I write this blog just for my own amusement, so no license is needed to re-use the code, please feel free to do so. My Github and personal website www. We can circumvent this issue by calling next in prenext and then applying who do you buy bitcoin from buy bitcoin nz credit card weight calculation formula to only stocks in which we have data to. For example, the weather.

As a last exercise for your backtest, visualize the portfolio value or portfolio['total'] over the years with the help of Matplotlib and the results of your backtest:. Commodities like gold and oil. Although the returns might not be much better then buying and holding SPY, the volatility is greatly reduced. Tip : compare the result of the following code with the result that you had obtained in the first DataCamp Light chunk to clearly see the difference between these two methods of calculating the daily percentage change. You can test your system on different time frames, different time windows and also different markets. Feedback loops in the market can escalate this and create momentum, the enemy of mean reversion. Secondly, the reversion strategy , which is also known as convergence or cycle trading. Trailing stops work well for momentum systems but they can be hard to get right for mean reversion strategies. Hard to beat. If it performs well with a day exit, test it with a 9-day and day exit to see how it does. Wonderful article, focused and concise! A smarter way to track your progress is to use monte carlo again. This is a simple method for position sizing which I find works well on stocks and is a method I will often use. That post can be found here. The square brackets can be helpful to subset your data, but they are maybe not the most idiomatic way to do things with Pandas. Details on how to carry on the test can be found in any time series book. Now, to achieve a profitable return, you either go long or short in markets: you either by shares thinking that the stock price will go up to sell at a higher price in the future, or you sell your stock, expecting that you can buy it back at a lower price and realize a profit. The idea behind this trade is that we want a stock that is holding oversold for a good few days as these are the most likely to spring back quickly.

Getting Started With Python for Finance

You have successfully made a simple trading algorithm and performed backtests via Pandas, Zipline and Quantopian. This section will explain how you can import data, explore and manipulate it with Pandas. In order to test this strategy, we will need to select a universe of stocks. Then click the start button. Kajal Yadav in Towards Data Science. Hands-on real-world examples, research, tutorials, and cutting-edge techniques delivered Monday to Thursday. Monte Carlo can refer to any method that adds randomness. Make learning your daily ritual. Now we can get to writing the strategy. Markets in backwardation can end up with negative prices due to the back-adjustment calculation and these prices may not be adequately shown on some charts. There are numerous other software programs available and each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. The same goes for your drawdown. In both regimes, the current price contains useful information about the future price. Working With Time Series Data The first thing that you want to do when you finally have the data in your workspace is getting your hands dirty. Strategies that have fewer trading rules require smaller sample sizes to prove they are significant. ParityTrading , Open-source Github no trader interface. Then calculate the trade size that will allow your loss to be constrained to that percentage of your bankroll — if the stop loss is hit. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

We will use concurrent. This way, you can mean reversion strategy python calculator free downloads an idea of the effectiveness of your strategy, and you can use it as a starting point to optimize and improve your strategy before applying it to real markets. See how it performs in the crash or the melt up. An example is shown. He has been in the market since and working with Amibroker since One flaw with a mean reversion strategy is that in theory, the more a stock falls, the better the setup. Note that this system is not intended to be traded. Fractals are useful in modeling structures such as eroded coastlines or snowflakes in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation. We see, therefore, that the choice of lags strongly affects the value warrior rpo trading course torrent lot fxcm the Hurst exponent. Frederik Bussler in Towards Data Science. The autocorrelation function for the stock price S t is defined as follows:. Tip : if you have any more questions bitflyer news poloniex sc disabled the functions or objects, make sure to check the Quantopian Help pagewhich contains more information about all and much more that you have briefly seen in this tutorial. A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas, and codes. Next, subset the Close column by only selecting the last 10 observations of the DataFrame. A fractal can be defined as follows:. I want to see if the idea is any good and worth continuing. Nonetheless I do draw from some statistical models and I usually program them myself and the truly interested student is going to try to learn a lot of statistics and apply statistical models in a lot of applications. These are often the most opportune moments for mean reversion trades. If your trading strategy is spiralling out of control or the market is going crazy, you should have a way to turn things off quickly. There are still many other ways in which you could improve your strategy, but for now, this is a good basis to start from!

For example, how easy is it to program rules that look into the future? After all of the calculations, you might also perform a maybe more statistical analysis of your financial data, with a more traditional regression analysis, such as the Ordinary Least-Squares Regression OLS. The code uses the hurst library the link to the Github repo is. Maybe a simple plot, with the help of Matplotlib, can help you to understand the rolling mean and its actual meaning:. It says: ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis. Once you have that file stored somewhere, we can feed it in using pandas, and set up our stock ticker list as follows:. The ideal situation is, of course, that the returns are considerable but that the additional risk of investing is as small as possible. Great blog! Consider the simple model given by:. Having data that is clean and properly adjusted for splits. Besides these discretionary and nondiscretionary self directed brokerage accounts what is the best stock investmen most frequent strategies, there are also other ones that you might come across once in a while, gxfx intraday signal review robot apk as the forecasting strategy, which attempts to predict the direction or value of a stock, in this case, in subsequent future time periods based on certain historical factors. To successfully download it, follow these steps:. Build Alpha by Dave Bergstrom is one piece of software that offers these features.

A new DataFrame portfolio is created to store the market value of an open position. These tend to be the strongest performers so you will get better results than you would have in real life. Equal weighting is simply splitting your available equity equally between your intended positions. Trading strategies are usually verified by backtesting: you reconstruct, with historical data, trades that would have occurred in the past using the rules that are defined with the strategy that you have developed. Machine learning and AI are just starting to emerge as important with a lot of potential in financial modeling. This is why many traders will halve or use quarter Kelly. This stands in clear contrast to the asfreq method, where you only have the first two options. This section is based on the analysis found in this blog post. This function is often chosen to be the log price:. All Things Bayesian If you don't understand the Bayesian approach by now, it's time to get started. If S t is stationary it tends to return to some constant mean or possibly a trend that evolves deterministically which means that larger values are likely to follow smaller ones and vice-versa. The Hurst exponent provides a way to measure the amount by which a financial time series deviates from a random walk. Instead, look for a range of settings where your system does well.

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