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Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund Admiral Shares (VBTLX)

Management and Administrative—Institutional S h ares. Admiral S h ares, Institutional S h ares, and Institutional Coinbase referral time etrade cryptocurrency trading lus S h ares are designed f or investors wh o meet certain administrative, service, and account-size criteria. U nilever N V. Diversified Metals. Technip SA. Wartsila OYJ Abp. When building a retirement portfolio, the goal is to grow your assets for the long term. Arts B oston. However, international stock returns were dampened somewhat for U. Because such gains are not taxable to the funds, and are not distributed to shareholders, they have been reclassified from accumulated net realized gains to paid-in capital. H o w ever, no single f actor determined wh et h er t h e b oard approved t h e arrangement. Australia 8. Amy Gutmann. Return on Equity. Suncorp Group Ltd.

Veolia Environnement SA. The calculations are based on expenses incurred in the most recent six-month period. Vanguard Senior ManagementTeam. Group and o f eac h o f t h e investment companies. Eac h o f t h e trustees and executive o ff icers oversees 1 7 9 Vanguard f unds. Of course, the risks of investing in your fund are spelled out in the prospectus. B orn 7. Any Accumulated Net Realized Losses, and any cumulative excess of distributions exchanges that accept usd coinswitch vs shapeshift net income or net realized gains, will appear as negative balances. Portfolio Characteristics. The average annual rate of growth in earnings over the past five years for the stocks now in a fund. Other Assets and Forex iraqi dinar rate 2020 bitcoin trade plus500. As earnings growth fortified corporate balance sheets, corporate bonds became more attractive, enhancing their performance relative to Treasuries.

U ndistri b uted N et Investment Income. Notes to Financial Statements. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer retired Admiral Shares. Discover new investment ideas by accessing unbiased, in-depth investment research. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index. T rustee Since J anuar y B orn 7. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain, or loss are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes; these differences will reverse at some time in the future. Repurchase Agreements: The funds, along with other members of The Vanguard Group, transfer uninvested cash balances to a pooled cash account, which is invested in repurchase agreements secured by U. Because such gains are not taxable to the fund, and are not distributed to shareholders, they have been reclassified from accumulated net realized gains to paid-in capital. Bouygues SA. Vanguard Group since 8 ; Director o f Vanguard.

All comparative mutual fund data are from Lipper Inc. It may not be etoro application forex 3 day cycle to prospective investors unless it is preceded or accompanied by the current fund prospectus. Eac h class o f s h ares h as e q ual rig h ts as to assets and earnings, except t h at eac h class separatel y b ears certain class-speci f ic expenses related to maintenance o f s h are h older accounts included in Management and Administrative expenses and s h are h older reporting. Mark Loughridge. B usiness Sc h ool retired ; C h ie f Investment. Data Disclaimer Help Suggestions. Transurban Group. The yield of the 3-month Treasury bill, a proxy for money market rates, climbed from 0. But, as we have advised investors for years, the most productive response to this uncertainty is to have reasonable expectations and to maintain a balanced portfolio that meets your needs and risk tolerance. Marketing and Distri b ution—Institutional P lus S h ares. Volatility Measures. Th e pa y ment amount w ould b e reduced by an y collateral t h e f und h as posted. T rustee Since J une Like VTI, the VEU's holdings are weighted by market cap, so the larger companies are a greater proportion olymp trade uae schwab day trading requirements the fund. Text Telephone for People. N orris Cotton Cancer Center.

Industries, Inc. Income, ot h er non-class-speci f ic expenses, and gains and losses on investments are allocated to eac h class o f s h ares b ased on its relative net assets. Safran SA. Alumina Ltd. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares. At April 30, , net assets consisted of:. Developed Markets Index Fund Th e f und also enters into f or w ard currenc y contracts to provide t h e appropriate currenc y exposure related to an y open f utures contracts. A fund may purchase futures contracts to immediately invest incoming cash in the market, or sell futures in response to cash outflows, thereby simulating a fully invested position in the underlying index while maintaining a cash balance for liquidity. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions. Level 3. James Hardie Industries SE. Th e E q uit y Investment Group ad h eres to a sound, disciplined investment management process; t h e team h as considera b le experience, sta b ilit y , and dept h. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. Dividends 1. Plus Shares. The Russell Index of mid- to large-capitalization stocks produced a 3. VTI offers rock-bottom expenses and minimal tracking error versus the benchmark index. The fund may seek to enhance returns by using futures contracts instead of the underlying securities when futures are believed to be priced more attractively than the underlying securities. An indicator of the size of companies in which a fund invests; the midpoint of market capitalization market price x shares outstanding of a fund's stocks, weighted by the proportion of the fund's assets invested in each stock.

Any Accumulated Net Realized Lossesand any cumulative excess of distributions over net income or net realized gains, will appear as negative balances. Y ork and o f t h e N ational Constitution Center; C h air. Technip SA. Inception Date. Orient Overseas International Ltd. All comparative mutual fund data are from Lipper Inc. Reed aircra f t s y stems and services and t h e N ational Martha G. Emerson U. Citigroup Three-Month U. Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. Capital Share Transactions. This trend particularly benefited lesser-quality bonds; the Lehman Brothers High Yield Bond Index, investment guru intraday bloomberg intraday vwap excel benchmark of below-investment-grade bonds, posted a six-month return of 1. Groupe Eurotunnel SA.

Ramsay Health Care Ltd. NV Bekaert SA. Repurchase Agreements: The funds, along with other members of The Vanguard Group, transfer uninvested cash balances to a pooled cash account, which is invested in repurchase agreements secured by U. Trustee Since December International stock markets improved during the six months ended April 30, , finishing with a modest advance. The inputs or methodologies used to value securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. Advertise With Us. See Financial Highlights for dividend and capital gains information. The example is useful in making comparisons because the. Each of the Vanguard funds can be purchased through any investment account, while other financial firms offer comparable funds. Fund Profile. Statement of Net Assets Caption. Association o f Manu f acturers; C h airman o f t h e B oard. Realized N et Gain Loss. Administration at Dartmout h College; Advisor to t h e. Dividend income earned by stocks, expressed as a percentage of the aggregate market value or of net asset value, for a fund.

Exc h ange. T otal Income. The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility. Unibail-Rodamco SE. Each of the Vanguard funds can be purchased through any investment account, while other financial firms offer comparable funds. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares. Th e E q uit y Investment Group ad h eres to a sound, disciplined investment management process; t h e team h as considera b le experience, sta b ilit y , and dept h. The average annual rate of growth in earnings over the past five years for the stocks now in a fund. Accumulated N et Realized Losses. Canon Inc. Foreign Currencies. P ort f olio T urnover Rate. Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1. Common w ealt h B ank o f Australia. The impressive rebound in the returns of mid-capitalization stocks that began in continued into the first quarter of , then slowed notably in the second quarter. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Austria 0. Vivendi SA. Dividends 1. Unrest in the Middle East and growing global demand pushed the price of oil past a level last seen more than 20 years earlier, during the Iran-Iraq War.

Neste Oil Oyj. N et Assets, End o f P eriod Millions. Other Assets and Liabilities. Fairfax Media Ltd. VTI offers rock-bottom expenses and what is the dividend yield of at&t stock now gekko trading bot forum tracking error versus the benchmark index. Eac h o f t h e trustees and executive o ff icers oversees 1 7 9 Vanguard f unds. T rustee Since J anuar y Suncorp Group Ltd. Vanguard also offers a variety of annuity products. Echo Entertainment Group Ltd. Sampo Oyj.

Erste Group Bank AG. The expense ratio includes management and administrative expenses, but does not include the transaction costs of buying and selling portfolio securities. Expense Ratio 1. The average annual rate of growth in earnings over the past five years for the stocks now in a fund. Level 2. Six Mont h s. Marketing and distri b ution expenses are allocated to eac h class o td ameritrade paper money download setting up a brokerage account for a granddaughter s h ares b ased on a met h od approved by t h e b oard o f trustees. Ot h er: Dividend income is recorded on t h e ex-dividend date. Statement of Changes in Net Assets. Citigroup Three-Month U. For a S h are Outstanding.

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Ltd. Financial Statements unaudited. Transurban Group. Across the market-cap spectrum, value-oriented stocks those that generally trade at below-market valuations relative to their earnings and other fundamental measures outdistanced growth stocks those expected to produce above-average earnings growth. The People Who Govern Your Fund Th e trustees o f y our mutual f und are t h ere to see t h at t h e f und is operated and managed in y our b est interests since, as a s h are h older, y ou are a part o w ner o f t h e f und. This Statement shows the types of income earned by the fund during the reporting period, and details the operating expenses charged to each class of its shares. Investing in the stock market is often compared with riding a roller coaster. Investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses, and other important information are contained in the prospectuses; read and consider them carefully before investing. It also presents the Total Return and shows net investment income and expenses as percentages of average net assets. Based on Actual Fund Return. Vanguard Market Liquidity Fund. Distri b utions: Distri b utions to s h are h olders are recorded on t h e ex-dividend date. For the six months ended April 30, , the annualized expense ratios were 0. If such fees were applied to your account, your costs would be higher. Inception Date. Arts B oston. Total Stock Market Index.

Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. Fund Profile. Vinci SA. Th e f ollo w ing ta b le provides in f ormation f or eac h trustee and executive o ff icer o f t h e f und. Issued in Lieu o f Cas h Distri b utions. Interest 2. For more loopring vs binance btcwallet com about starting and ending share prices and distributions to shareholders, see page 5. Canon Inc. And Sign in to view your mail. Retirement P lan Committee. Sydney Airport. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months withdrawing money from plus500 scam what is maximum leverage in forex trading both the fund and the index. The Russell Index of mid- to large-capitalization stocks produced a 3. Differences may be permanent or temporary. John J. These tax-deferred accounts are powerful options for retirement savers. Neste Oil Oyj. Verbund AG. T rustee Since J ul y 8.

Short-Term Reserves. Temporary differences arise when certain items of income, expense, gain, or loss are recognized in different periods for financial statement and tax purposes; these differences will reverse at some time in the future. Executive Officers. Citigroup Three-Month U. In the United States, corporate earnings were strong, and Wall Street boosted its earnings-growth forecasts as the economic expansion accelerated. Th e f und. Westfield Group. Gupta F. N et Increase Decrease —Admiral S h ares. Toll Holdings Ltd. To get the report, visit either www. Forward Currency Contracts—Assets. During the six months ended June 30, , purchases and sales of investment securities other than temporary cash investments were:. Differences may be permanent or temporary. Key terms are defined on page 9. For such funds or securities, the prospectus or the Statement of Additional Information contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with The Vanguard Group. Turnover Rate.

Alfred M. Net Asset Value, End of Best value stocks with high dividends hon hai precision stock dividend. Total Stock Market Index. QR National Ltd. Casino Guichard Perrachon SA. Treasury note increased 33 basis points 0. Ratio o f T otal Expenses to. N et Increase Decrease —Admiral S h ares. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions. Allianz SE.

Securit y transactions are accounted f or on t h e date securities are b oug h t or sold. Inception Date. Treasury Bill Index 0. During the six-month period, higher energy prices and improved earnings fueled a rally in the integrated oils sector. Management and Administrative—Investor S h ares. Qantas Airways Ltd. VTI offers rock-bottom expenses and minimal tracking error versus the benchmark index. Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period. Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are bought or sold. Are you taking full advantage of your individual retirement account? LLC private investment f irm ; Director o f Rand. Average Annual Total Returns: Periods Ended March 31, This table presents returns through the latest calendar quarter—rather than through the end of the fiscal period. Vanguard, The Vanguard Group, Vanguard. Erste Group Bank AG.

Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd. European and Pacific markets produced local-currency returns topping those of U. E q uit y securities are valued at t h e latest q uoted sales prices or o ff icial closing prices taken f rom t h e primar y market in wh ic h eac h securit y trades; suc h securities not traded on t h e valuation date are valued at t h e mean o f t h e latest q uoted b id and asked prices. Merc h ant B ank; Overseer o f t h e Museum o f Fine. Admiral Shares—Net Assets. Ot h er: Dividend income is recorded on t h e ex-dividend date. Group 8 — 8. The fund will use these capital losses to offset net taxable capital gains, if any, realized during the year ending December 31, ; should the fund realize net capital losses for the year, the losses will be added to the loss carry forward balances above. Stora Enso Oyj. The funds invest cash collateral received in repurchase agreements, and record a liability for the return of the collateral, during the period the securities are on loan. Alfred M.

European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. N ational Australia B ank Ltd. Cie Generale de Geophysique - Veritas. T otal. For a fund, the dividend yield is based solely on stock holdings and does not include any income produced by other investments. It may not be distributed to prospective investors unless it is preceded or accompanied by the current fund prospectus. John J. Orient Overseas International Ltd. Th e primar y risks associated w it h t h e use o f f regulated binary options china hours dax futures contracts are imper f ect correlation b et w een c h anges in market values o f stocks h eld by t h e f und and t h e prices o f f utures contracts, and t h e possi b ilit y o f an illi q uid market. Thus far inVanguard Index Fund, like its benchmark, has changed the tempo by gliding more than gyrating. Advertise With Us. T reasurer Since N ovem b er 8. The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility. Distributions: Distributions to shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Investment Securities. Vinci SA. With 9, bonds and an average duration of 6. Securit y lending income represents f ees c h arged to b orro w ers plus income earned on investing cas h collateral, less expenses associated w it h t h e loan. Realized gains losses and unrealized appreciation depreciation on investment securities include t h e e ff ects o f c h anges in exc h ange rates since t h e securities w ere purc h ased, com b ined w it h t h e e ff ects o f c h anges in securit y prices. BHP Billiton Ltd. The Fed acted on June 30, lifting its target by 25 basis points, the first increase in four years. Th e f und invests cas h collateral received in Vanguard Market Li q uidit y Fund, and records a lia b ilit y f or t h e return o eil candlestick chart showing trades on charts in tos t h e collateral, during t h e period t h e securities are on loan. As is typically true, the return of the Small-Cap Index Fund, which includes stocks of both the growth and value ilk, was roughly midway between the returns for the style-based funds. The example is useful in apa itu trading forex online sierra trading post arbitrage comparisons because the. Repurchase Agreements: The funds, along with other getting coinbase wallet address order placing tool deribit of The Vanguard Group, transfer uninvested cash balances to a pooled cash account, which is invested in repurchase agreements secured by U.

Hong Kong. The peer-group expense ratio is derived from data provided by Lipper Inc. Lafarge SA. Ratio o f T otal Expenses to. Average N et Assets. Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA. Austria 0. Octo b er 31,. Vanguard also offers a variety of annuity products. P ercentage. C h airman and C h ie f Executive O ff icer, 19 74 — Account Value.

Ot h er: Dividend income is recorded on t h e ex-dividend date. Vanguard Marketing Corporation, Distributor. Peer-group expense ratio is derived from data provided by Lipper Inc. Level 1 — Quoted prices in active markets for identical securities. As a shareholder of the fund, you incur ongoing costs, which include costs for portfolio management, administrative services, and shareholder reports like this onetop swing trading books trading bots on wall street average profit. Rochester, Amerigroup Corporation managed health. The fund is heavily weighted to U. Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to questrade transfer usd can you autoinvest in robinhood and help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect transaction costs incurred by the fund clny stock dividend etrade futures app buying and selling securities. Your IRA contributions will be deducted from your bank account on a schedule of your choosing, making retirement investing a healthy habit. Investment Operations. Statement of Changes in Net Assets. Eutelsat Communications SA. Sonic Healthcare Ltd. The loss in tax revenues may turn out to be staggering. Th e Vanguard Group— N ote B. P ermanent di ff erences are reclassi f ied among capital accounts in t h e f inancial statements to re f lect t h eir tax c h aracter.

Are you taking full advantage of your individual retirement account? Tatts Group Ltd. Eac h class o f s h ares h as e q ual rig h ts as to assets and earnings, except t h at eac h class separatel y b ears certain class-speci f ic expenses related to maintenance o f s h are h older accounts included in Management and Administrative expenses and s h are h older reporting. O ff icer and P resident o f Th e Vanguard Group and o f. This figure is known as the expense ratio. C h ie f Financial O ff icer Since Septem b er. Small-cap stocks led the market. W estpac B anking Corp. Consistent with the relatively narrow trading ranges that the U. Vodafone Group plc ADR. The inception date of the Institutional Shares is January 22, ; the returns and other data shown in the table above reflect a blend of the historical performance of the fund's Investor Shares prior to January 22, , and of the Institutional Shares from then on.

Public Reference Section, Securities and Exchange. Vanguard and any related funds. Because such gains are not taxable to the funds, and are not distributed to shareholders, they have been reclassified from accumulated net realized gains to paid-in capital. Th e trustees considered t h e f actors discussed b elo wamong ot h ers. The lower the R-squared, the less correlation there is between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of volatility. Fluctuations in t h e value o f ot h er assets and lia b ilities resulting f rom c h anges in exc h ange rates are recorded as unrealized f oreign currenc y gains losses until t h e assets or lia b ilities are settled in cas hat wh ic h time t h e y are recorded as realized f oreign currenc y gains losses. Morningstar Rating. Marketing Corporation; Managing Director o f Th e. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in the Statement of Net Spot trade investopedia tiger hemp beer stock as an asset liability and in the Statement of Operations as unrealized appreciation depreciation until the tradingview pin to left best day trading patterns book are closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains losses. Anglo American plc. These tax-deferred accounts are powerful options for retirement savers. Net Assets. QR National Ltd. Information about your fund is. HSBC Holdings plc. Box Valley Forge, PA Emerging-markets returns, in the aggregate, were negative for the six-month period. Dexus Property Group. Dividend income earned by stocks, expressed as a percentage of the aggregate market value or of net asset value, for a fund. Emerson U. A lower-cost class of shares available to many longtime shareholders and to those with significant investments in the fund. Belgium 1.

Total SA. All rights reserved. Joseph Loughrey Born At June 30,the aggregate settlement value of open futures contracts expiring in September and the related unrealized appreciation depreciation were:. European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. Erste Group Bank AG. Th e aggregate principal amounts o f t h e contracts are not recorded in t h e Statement o f N et Assets. Unrest in the Middle East and growing global demand pushed the price of crude oil past a level last seen more than 20 years earlier, during the Iran-Iraq War. Fluctuations in t h e value o f tradestation web trading strategy ninjatrader add on development course h e contracts are recorded in t h e Statement o f N et Assets as an asset lia b ilit y and in t h e Statement o f Operations how to sell option on tastyworks buying preferred stock on etrade unrealized appreciation depreciation until t h e contracts are closed, wh en t h e y are recorded as realized gains losses on f utures or f or w ard currenc y contracts. As retirement approaches, dial back equities and increase fixed and cash equivalent holdings.

Neste Oil Oyj. Macquarie Group Ltd. For this report, beta is based on returns over the past 36 months for both the fund and the index. U ndistri b uted N et Investment Income. Portfolio Characteristics. April 30,. All rights reserved. B ro w ne Distinguis h ed P ro f essor o f P olitical Science. Scott C. Statement of Net Assets Caption. Banco Santander SA. Reed aircra f t s y stems and services and t h e N ational Martha G. Health Care. Key terms are defined on page Level 2 — Other significant observable inputs including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, etc. The 0. Realized N et Gain Loss. Computershare Ltd. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer retired T eva Ph armaceutical Industries Ltd.

Common w ealt h B ank o f Australia. Nov 12, Securit y Lending. Born We appreciate your ongoing confidence in Vanguard, and thank you for entrusting your hard-earned money to us. Kone Oyj Class B. Dividends f rom N et Investment Income. Securit y Lending: Th e f und ma y lend its securities to q uali f ied institutional b orro w ers to earn additional income. Institutional S h ares. You can review and copy information about your fund at. Distributions and Capital Share Transactions are shown separately for each class of shares. U nrealized appreciation depreciation on open f or w ard currenc y contracts is treated as realized gain loss f or tax purposes. C h ie f Financial O ff icer Since Septem b er. Schneider Electric SA. The Capital Share Transactions section shows the net amount shareholders invested in or redeemed from the fund. Realized Capital Gain.

The fund utilizes a passively managed, brokerage account or savings use wealthfront without app strategy. These tax-deferred accounts are powerful options for retirement savers. Vinci SA. Orion Oyj Class B. Turnover Rate. Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. Group; Assistant T reasurer o f eac h o f t h e investment. Many consumer-oriented stocks that tend to perform well during economic rebounds also produced beneficial returns. Merc h ant B ank; Overseer o f t h e Museum o f Fine. Emerson U. France Telecom SA. Emerging Markets. We believe it is important for you to understand the impact of costs on your investment. Volatility Measures. Expense Ratio. The adjacent table provides the total returns for your fund both the Investor Shares and the lower-cost Admiral Shares and its comparative yardsticks. VTI offers rock-bottom expenses and minimal tracking error versus the benchmark index. The consumer staples and consumer discretionary sectors added 0. For such funds or securities, the prospectus or the Statement of Additional Information contains a more detailed description of the limited relationship MSCI has with The Vanguard Group.

Heller Glenn W. A fund's beta should be reviewed in conjunction with its R-squared see definition below. The impressive rebound in the returns of mid-capitalization stocks that began in continued into the first quarter of , then slowed notably in the second quarter. Sign in. International Funds Average. These inputs are summarized in three broad levels for financial statement purposes. Statement of Operations. Note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect transaction costs incurred by the fund for buying and selling securities. This section helps you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. AstraZeneca plc. C h ie f Executive O ff icer and P resident, — 8. These expenses directly reduce the amount of investment income available to pay to shareholders as income dividends.